Proper Facebook Account Settings:

  • Facebook Username
  • English US
  • Formats for dates, times and numbers = United States (English)

Make sure that your Facebook account has a username created and the language is set for English (US) in the locations shown below.

The app is designed to read English (US) date format. The language must both be set for your account settings as well as selected on your Facebook login page. Language and region settings

Here is an image showing where you need to go to check if you have a username created for your account as well. Go here directly to the page shown in the image below

Dark Mode Disabling

You must ensure that you disable Dark Mode on your Facebook profile. This will cause issues with most features. Dark Mode uses a completely different design (coding), which the features are not optimized for.

You can use the following direct link to go directly to the option to disable dark mode:

No Multi-Tasking During Feature Automation:

Our primary goal is to help users achieve results while keeping their accounts secure. One of the easiest ways for Facebook to detect automation is by identifying activities that humans typically don't perform, such as multiple actions happening simultaneously.

For this reason, we strongly recommend refraining from any multitasking on your Facebook account while running automation via Social Prospector on the same account. This will help ensure your account remains in good standing with Facebook.

Anti-Virtus Whitelisting:

Most antivirus software provides a warning if they do not recognize the sender. Rest assured, our software is checked and notarized daily through the Microsoft and Apple code-signing process. There is no need for concern; you can safely run the software and ignore any warnings. However, if your antivirus software blocks Social Prospector, we recommend adding it to your whitelist.

Can’t Create A Username?:

As mentioned earlier, it’s essential to ensure that your Facebook profile has a username set. However, we’ve encountered situations where Facebook prevents users from creating a username, particularly with brand-new accounts. Fortunately, we have a solution for this! 

Facebook allows users to create up to four additional internal profiles within one account. You can find more details in this article:

If you’re unable to create a username for your main profile, some users have successfully created an additional profile where Facebook permits adding a username, effectively bypassing the issue.

This approach also offers the advantage of starting fresh with a new profile, allowing you to build a targeted friends list from scratch.

Follow these steps to connect Social Prospector to additional internal Facebook profiles: